How to Subtly Dominate Your Partner

Have you ever noticed how the waiter at restaurants always seems to choose one person at your table to give the check to?  In my heterosexual relationships, the waiter has always given the check to my male partner.  I never thought to ask myself why that was until I had my first relationship with a …

Why I Love Shibari

Shibari is a form Japanese rope bondage.  With a quick Google search, you will many different ways in which people practice Shibari. Bondage typically has very sexual connotations.  Images of someone tying their lover to a bed before they ultimately have intercourse may come to mind. Personally, I like to practice Shibari for the art …

Why I Don’t Think my Rapist is a Monster

I honestly believe if you gave my rapist a truth serum so that he could only say things that he genuinely believes are true, he would say he had never raped me.  If you asked him if I had ever said no to sex and then he preceded to have sex with me anyway he …

Who Should Make the First Move in a Triad Relationship

Somehow, I ended up here.  I found myself anxiously texting my best friend just before I went over to my partners’ house asking for advice on how to initiate intimacy.  Unfortunately, my friend, like most people, has never been in a triad relationship and had no idea how to navigate its complexities. My two partners, …

Why I Want to be in a Triad Relationship

My first exposure to a triad relationship was on the TV show Shameless.  Alone in my room, on a shared Netflix account, I watched the entire raunchy series within a month.  The creators were unapologetic in their depiction of romance, sex, and relationships, and I could not get enough. Other avid viewers of the show …

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